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1 June - Change Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone

Amazing things can happen outside our comfort zone, so I think God likes to push us out of our comfortable spaces occasionally.

Throughout the Bible, we read where He called, challenged and led people into seemingly impossible situations. People like Abraham, Moses, Esther, Peter, Mary, and Jesus' first 12 disciples, were all asked to leave their comfortable lives to exercise "next level trust and faith".

God will allow us to be in uncomfortable situations so that we will have to use our skills, gifts and knowledge. As we step out, we will increase our trust and faith, often with incredible results.

For example, Gideon was busy threshing wheat in a winepress as he hid from his enemies when God called him to lead an army. Gideon was not confident when asked to be a leader, but with some serious nudges from God, he obeyed and stepped out of his comfort zone. If that wasn't stretching enough, God instructed Gideon to send most of his army home, leaving him only 300 men to battle against seemingly impossible odds. However, Gideon trusted, and God honoured his courage and caused the enemy to scatter. (Judges 6-7)

It's far easier to remain within the confines of our comfort zone, but if we stay there, we can miss out on everything God has for us. In reaching our potential, professional and relationship opportunities, life experiences and personal growth. Plus, we never stay in one spot; we either push ourselves onward to new things or go backwards.

Here are five ways to get out of your comfort zone…

1. Take the first step. Have courage and take the first step. As you gain momentum, it is far easier to keep going. Sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage to step out for something great to happen.

2. Put yourself in a different environment – change something up. Begin with small changes that do not cause a threat. Go to a different café, try new food, change up your appearance, take an alternative route home, and look to where you can discover and look at things differently. Change is good.

3. Just do it. Instead of vacillating about decisions, just do it. "It doesn't have to be a life-changing decision. It can be anything from choosing a restaurant to shopping. Just make a choice that's unusual for your routine without overthinking it, and learn to trust yourself and God's leading.

4. Say Yes. Say yes to new projects, assignments, roles, and opportunities. Say Yes to God. You might find yourself enjoying and discovering something you never thought of before.

5. Create challenges where you have to push yourself. Decide on a few things that are designed to push you outside of your comfort zone, in areas you want to develop, or where you can overcome fear.

It's hard to grow when we stay safe within our comfort zones, but when we choose to get out of these zones, it causes us to hone our focus, creativity, energy and drive. Instead of cruising through life, we go up a level, and in doing so, we often encourage and inspire those around us to do the same.

Today ask God to show you where you can exercise your faith and trust more. Then take a step and allow God to take the reins to lead, guide and challenge you where needed. As you do, He'll take you places you never thought possible and cause you to grow in your faith, courage and potential.

Just say Yes and step out of your comfort zone today!

"For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." (2 Timothy 1:7)

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)

Prayer: Lord, please help me to say "Yes" more and to trust you to take the reins. I'm choosing to step out of my comfort zone today. In Jesus' name Amen.




2024 Dayle Kinney

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