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1 March – God Cares and Is Watching Over You

Yesterday I visited a market known for its variety of stalls and array of goods for sale. I was drawn to a particular stall which sold decorative bracelets made in Europe from recycled watch straps. As I was standing admiring all the different designs and patterns, I felt God give me an internal nudge and point out a particular design with almond blossoms. My husband never misses an opportunity to buy me anything I show the slightest interest in and promptly organized to buy it for me.

As I came home, I decided to research why I  might have been drawn to the design of almonds blossoms so much and what they symbolized. I’ve learnt that God is often sneaky and loves to hide things a little so that we will search them out. (Prov 25:2) Perhaps we value what he reveals and wants to tell us more that way.

Almond in Hebrew is shaked’, which comes from the root word to “watch” or “wake” (shakad). It signifies divine favour, purity and approval. The Almond trees are the first to awaken from their winter sleep and are known for their beauty when in blossom. In scripture, there is a play on words regarding the use of Almond and God’s watchfulness (i.e. faithfulness). Jeremiah 1:11-12 says, “And the Word of the Lord came to me, “What do you see and I said, “I see an almond branch” And then the Lord said, “You have seen well. I am watching over My Word to perform it.”

God wanted me to know specifically in buying the bracelet that He is faithful to his Word and watching over me. He will do as He promised. God loves and see every part of our lives. He directed us to a market stall to reveal that, “He is watching me so much He’ll put a reminder of His watchful faithfulness and favour (almond blossoms) onto a watch strap and then lead me to the right place to find it.

God loves you and will go out of His way to let you know how much. It may be in the simple everyday things or in the hidden meaning or significance of an event, object or situation you are in. The bible says, “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” (Proverbs 25:2 NKJV) We are called Kings and priests so He expects us to search for both the obvious and the hidden things that He might speak to us. (1 Peter 2:9; Rev 1:6)

Today, look for God in both the obvious expressions of his care and love for you as well as in the more hidden secret things that He wants you to take the time to search out. If you seek Him, you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart. He is watching over you andis faithful to His promises.

“Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found “ by you, declares the LORD.” (Jeremiah 29:13)

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your faithfulness and that you watch over your Word to perform it. Please help me stay focused on your promises and be aware of how and when you speak to me today. I want to know the hidden things. In Jesus name Amen.




2024 Dayle Kinney

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