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1 Nov - How To Remain Peaceful When Other People Around You Aren't

I heard a saying recently that has been bothering me, because if I’m not mindful I can have it happen in my own life. It was ‘you are only as happy as your saddest child”, which is primarily saying that if other people are happy and peaceful around you, then you are going to be content and at peace too, but if they aren't you aren't going to either.

That sounds all very noble, but I think, it is probably a terrible way to live. Especially if like me you have quite a lot of people around you, ie; six children and a husband, extended family and friends, not to mention work colleagues and others you care about.

Perhaps, a better way to live and show love and kindness to others, whilst remaining healthy yourself is to practice living centred and content in Jesus, and not allow yourself to be so moved into a negative emotional and mental state by others' actions and journeys.

It’s finding your centre and peace in Jesus and then holding and protecting that space. Out of that fullness and security, you can then love and give to other people and situations far better and long-term.

It's a little like the famous photo I love of a man and his lighthouse, which was taken off the coast of Brittany in a storm. The photo is of a nearly 50-metre-tall lighthouse with giant waves crashing up against it. Right at the top standing snugly within the shelter of the lighthouse door, protected from the storm is a solitary man. The picture, taken by Jean Guichard, a French photographer, reminds me that even amid the storm, the man was relatively safe as long as he stayed within his lighthouse.

Regardless of the storms, incessant noise, drama, and just life, when you set your mind and heart on Jesus and the things above, he will act like your lighthouse, and as long as you stay "snug" in Him, He will help you find and keep your peace and joy.

Today I encourage you to centre your thoughts first and foremost on Jesus, the promises in His word, and what he has shared with you. If you do, it will limit the amount of stress, worry, and stealing of your peace you'll experience. And if it feels like you are in the midst of a storm, I encourage you to especially seek after and to find shelter in Jesus, so you can rest in the one who is rock solid. He will keep you in perfect peace as you fix your heart and mind on him. (Isaiah 26:3)

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” (Psalm 91:1-2 NOV)

“Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” (Matthew 7:24-29 ESV)

You can also listen to my brand new podcast Deeper. Check out this week's episode- "Ebb and Flow live now

Prayer; Lord, thank you that you are rock solid and I can centre and secure my life in you. Please take all my cares, concerns, and all the things I need to do and help me to continually keep my heart and mind centred on you. In Jesus' name Amen.




2024 Dayle Kinney

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