One of the most important attitudes and things we can do in our day is to have an expectation of good things. Yet how often do we wake up and the burdens and demands of the day come flooding in before we have even opened our eyes properly. If we are not careful those first few moments end up defining the rest of our day.
Instead when we wake up in the morning God wants us to see the day as one full of opportunities for Him to show up and show off in our lives. He says that, “His steadfast love never ceases; his mercies are new every morning, and great is His faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23).
Meaning that one of the main reasons we can expect good and for God to be involved and present in our day is because of His mercies which are new every morning. Mercy in God’s economy describes His great compassion and lovingkindness. It’s a covenant or agreement He has between us and Him, and is intrinsically part of his character and attitude towards us. His mercy promises His protection, provision, guidance, forgiveness and constant presence. Because mercy is God’s inititive, the mercy He gives is gracious, unmerited, and underserved. In other words it doesn’t depend on our ability or good works but on His love and kindness. (Gen 19:16; Exod 33:19; Jer 42:12).
If we know anything of God we know that He is all powerful and able to do anything, yet perhaps our anxiety and lack of expectation for good things in our day comes because we doubt God will move powerfully and specifically on our behalf and in the situations we are facing. Essentially we doubt his loving-kindness, faithfulness and His mercy every day towards us personally.
Yet one look at His Word says that He will be there for us every morning and throughout our entire day and night; that He won’t leave us or neglect us, and that we are always on His heart and mind. That He is an everpresent help and strength to us if we’d only let Him be.
Today I encourage you to expect Gods mercies to be revealed and poured out on you. Expect to see and experience God’s loving kindness and faithfulness towards you and your circumstances. Look for His hand upon your day, and as you see it give Him thanks, because His mercies are new every morning.
Prayer: Lord thankyou for your lovingkindness and mercy towards me each morning. Please help me to look at my day and life’s circumstances in the light of your goodness, compassion, forgiveness, protection and provision and to expect good things today. In Jesus name Amen