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12 Feb – Bearing Burdens

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Sometimes you can hear other people’s stories and history and it can be very confronting. If you’re like me you can literally feel yourself being hit by what they are saying and find yourself wanting to do or say something to relief and ease the pain and disappointment of what they’ve been through.

Interestingly the bible says to bear one anothers burdens, yet also for each one to carry our own load. (Galatians 6:2-5) Some things in life are our responsibility to carry and we shouldn’t expect others to take that weight, nor either should we assume that we must take responsibility for someone else’s behavior and life either.

However we can come alongside someone who may be struggling and help shoulder the weight of a trial or temptation that’s threatening to pull them down. We can be supportive. But bearing each others burdens doesn’t mean assuming the whole load. It’s simply to offer help so that the person struggling can be supported for a set time so that they are then able to carry on in their journey. 

God is so gracious and if our burden is too heavy He says to ask Him for help. Then He will either strengthen and equip us to be able to handle our own load, or send some aid to encourage us.  (Psalm 121:1-8; 1 John 5:14-15)

Today as I thought over a meeting I’d recently been in I had to choose to hand over burdens that weren’t mine to carry. I can pray and ask that God would work in the lives of the people I’ve met, (that in fact is the most productive and powerful thing we can offer), and I can encourage and support where God directs, but it’s not my job to fix everything.

Many issues are our individual responsibility to work through and triumph over. Because victory and renewed confidence and strength is found in realizing just how amazing, creative, intelligent, strong and versatile God has made us and what we can do with Him. 

Today as you look at your relationships, your own circumstances and the people in your world, ask God for the wisdom to know how and when to best carry your own load, when He wants you to help bear others burdens, and how He is working in every circumstance. He is always working behind the scenes for the best outcome, so trust Him to guide you as you keep walking your journey and seeking to be a blessing to others.

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For each one shall bear his own load.” (Galatians 6:2-5 NKJV) 

And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him.” k1John 5:14-15)

I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand.” (Psalm 121:1-8)

Prayer: Lord thank you that I  can always come to you for help and that you will both strengthen and send me whatever help I need. Help me to have the wisdom to ask for help when I need it, to give aid where I can and to know where and how you are working in peoples lives so that the best outcome happens. Please lead me today. In Jesus name Amen




2024 Dayle Kinney

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