I frequently have a conversation with people about the importance of prospering their souls. It is important to understand how our soul, body and spirit operate together. The bible says we are a living soul, “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7). However we must be careful not to confuse that which is truly spiritual, and that which is only soulish or physical. Our spirit is the central place of activity where the Holy Spirit operates in regeneration, and that regenerating then flows over into our souls and bodies.
That’s why it’s so important to feed our spirit and our soul with good things. We spend time reading God’s word, taking time to praise and worship, and to enjoy our relationship with Him. It lifts our spirits and renews and prospers our soul; actually bringing health to our bodies.
Far too often we try to compartmentalise our lives, not understanding that what we allow into our lives will affect every part of our being – our soul, body and spirit. Which is why we must feed and care for all of our being, and not just part of it. You can be physically fit, eat healthy, do fun things and yet be spiritually lacking and dead. Or you can be spiritually fit and healthy and be lacking emotionally or be physically unwell.
The bible says, “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul prospers. (3 John 1:2)
So the question is how do you prosper your soul. Our spirit’s are regenerated and renewed by God’s presence and life in us; our bodies by eating and exercising well, and putting in the truth of God’s word. But what about our souls?
I have discovered that we often don’t know what makes our soul happy. And if we do, we don’t do those things enough.
God’s word will prosper your soul because it tells you how much you are loved and how God sees you. Then God actually wants you to go out and enjoy your life with Him. Matthew 12:34 says, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”. So it’s vitally important that we are taking care of our souls, our hearts so that they are full and overflowing. If we only concentrate on the necessary to exist, our souls will not be prospering and our heart will not be full of good things. Instead we can end up cynical, tired, short tempered, having toxic speech, and disillusioned with life.
Today make a list of those things that make your soul happy. If you can’t think of anything, why not try something new. It doesn’t have to be a big things; it can be simple like a cup of coffee at your favourite cafe, enjoying some great scenery, good food and company, a sport, hobby, music, art, shopping, etc.
Take some time to prosper your soul today, and do something you enjoy. It will bring you good health, renewed energy, and a zeal for life. Plus your mouth will speak from the overflow of a heart that is full of an appreciation for the life you have been given.
Prayer: Lord please help me to understand myself better and how to prosper my soul. Reveal to me anything that is not right in my heart, and help me to deal with it, as I prosper my spirit, soul and body. In Jesus name Amen.