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16 January - Bold Prayers

Growing up, usually, I wouldn't say I liked asking for anything, primarily because I didn't want to be a bother and also because I didn't want to be disappointed if I was told 'no'. As I've gotten older, however, I have learnt the importance of not presuming people will say no and expect the best outcome in a situation rather than the worst. With that discovery comes the beauty of realising it's okay to ask for things from others and of God. That means it's okay to question the status quo, to request a better price or deal; to invite people to be involved in what you are doing or trying to achieve and to run at opportunities rather than step back off them. It's also totally acceptable and encouraged by God for us to pray big prayers because God likes us to ask of Him. (Ephesians 3:20 Amp)

There are numerous accounts in the Bible where people received answers and had extraordinary things happen in their lives as a result of not being afraid to take hold of opportunities and to ask big of God and of those around them. Even when their circumstances screamed that they were stuck or their situations were vastly in contrast to what they were asking for they still continued to believe and as a result saw breakthroughs and amazing things occur.

Take, for example, Hannah an unfortunate barren wife who felt ridiculed and humiliated by others until she chose to ask God for a son. (1 Sam 1:11)

God heard and answered, and Hannah gave birth to a son named Samuel, who became the greatest prophet in Israel's history, and maintained direct communication with God throughout his life. In addition to Samuel, God gave Hannah three more sons and two daughters.

Or Jairus, a synagogue ruler whose daughter was dying. Boldly approaching Jesus, he said, "My little daughter is dying. Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live" (Mark 5:23).

Stopping along the way to Jairus' Jesus also healed a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years but who was bold enough to reach out to Jesus and as a result was immediately healed.(Luke 8:43-48)

Unfortunately, before Jesus arrived at Jairus' house, his daughter had already died. But Jesus encouraged Jairus to believe and on entering the house raised the girl back to life!

King Herod Agrippa arrested and imprisoned Peter, but the Church gathered and boldly prayed for God to intervene on his behalf." (Acts 12:5)

One night, an angel appeared in Peter's jail cell and led him out of prison through doors and past guards. Peter arrived at the house where the Church was gathered praying and testified to how God had intervened and answered their bold prayers.

God isn't offended by your biggest dreams or boldest prayers because, “Bold prayers honour God, and God honours bold prayers.

If you want to make a difference in the world and to live your biggest and best life, then I encourage you today to start to pray big, bold prayers and to ask and expect for things to move in your favour both with God and men and don't say God or other people's "No" for them because it might just be yes, and how great would that be.

Be courageous, ask, believe for the best, and pray big prayers today. Prayer: Lord, thank you for answering my big prayers and opening up new opportunities for me to walk in. Please help me today to believe and ask big of you. In Jesus name Amen




2024 Dayle Kinney

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