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16 July – Centre In

come away and rest

To onlookers my life probably seems ridiculously busy. I’m a wife, a mum of six kids, grandmother, run gatherings in our home, a homeschooler and a manager for one of our daughters. Actually most people comment I’m either superwoman or a little crazy. However I know what it is to have absolutely awesome, great, productive days and to also have the “what on earth am I doing, I’m exhausted, please give me some quiet” type days.

To help me stay relatively peaceful, a pleasant person to be around and to enjoy my life I’ve learnt to lean in. Leaning in is when I quiet my emotions, mind and heart so I can centre in on the core of who I am and where I find God’s quietness and presence. My heart slows, my mind stops racing and my spirit and soul are energised. When we have a relationship with Jesus this art of “centering” instantly helps us connect with Him better and enables us to focus and renew our strength in God.

With practice we can “centre in” wherever we are and some things that can help us do that are by: Closing our eyes and slowing our breathing, taking deep, slow breaths. Focusing our minds on quietness and stillness. Replacing worrying or stressful thoughts that comes across our minds with God’s Word. Leaning deeper into Jesus. I sometimes picture just stepping intoJesus, or sitting with Him in a peaceful, quiet place in heaven – our secret place with God.

Once I’ve “centred in” I sit silently in that place; I breathe, rest and soak in Gods presence. I dont necessarily have to “feel” or hear anything because what’s important is that we centre or lean into the source of our peace, strength and joy.

Today take some time to spend in that secret place – God is waiting there.

Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

In returning and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength”. (Isaiah 30 :15)

Prayer: Lord please help me to find and step into that quiet secret place with you so that I can commune with you more, and discover peace and joy in the midst of the busyness of my day. In Jesus name Amen

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