One of the amazing things that happens when we invite God into our life is that we become brand new. God says,“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new”. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
However if we don’t recognise this, if we don’t understand who we are and what God says about us we will still go around living as before. Feeling and thinking we are something we are not.
We won’t identify with who we are as a new person because we are still looking and living within the context of our past.
It’s like people who have been struggling financially and then they suddenly win lotto or come into alot of money. If they identified with being in lack and poverty that is what they will still be, even with millions in the bank. Studies show that a large proportion of these people will end up wastefully spending all their money within 5 years of receiving it, often ending up in a worst state than what they were before.
Why? Because they still identified with being in poverty and with being poor. For what we think is what we become.
“For as a man thinks in his heart, so shall he be”. (Proverbs 23:7 (NKJV)
When we ask God into our lives we’re called to walk in our new identity. We are no longer confined by human earthly limitations or mindsets, for we have all the resources of heaven at our disposal. We have within us the power that opens blind eyes, unstops deaf ears, raises people from the dead and declares “that nothing is impossible”. We are able to see, access and experience the supernatural realm and heavenly places.
But if we are lazy or compacent about who we are in Christ, we will always live far below what God has destined and created us for. But if we dont realise who we now are we don’t we are heading for an identity crisis. We will constantly be asking “Who am I? What can I do? And as a result we will live far below our abilities in Christ.
That takes renewing our minds about who we now are in Jesus. What does being a new creation mean? God says we are no longer a weakling, or sickly, a sinner, or broke or downtrodden. We are no longer the person we were.
The bible says “As Jesus Christ is, so are we in this world” (1 John 4:17) That we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:10). We are in Jesus and His nature abides in us. That means we take on the very nature and essence of who God is. There is no brokenness, weakness, sickness, poverty, fear or bad habits in him. He is complete, whole and perfect, and that is what we have imparted to us when we connect and abide in Him. As He is, so are we.
“For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in Him” (Colossians 2:9-10)
Today take hold of all that is offered to you in Jesus. Nothing the world has compares with what God has planned for you. Find out what God’s word says about who you are. You are more than you think and all you have seen or achieved so far is nothing compared to what God wants to reveal and perfect in you.
Prayer: Jesus I want to be made new and to then live out the reality of what it means to be a new creation. Please help me to understand more fully who I am in you. In Jesus Name Amen.