Imagine having the mindset and attitude that whatever happens, you will be content, steady and joyful.
It’s what Paul in the bible encouraged everyone’s heart position and mindset to be. Even though he wrote those words as he sat in a prison cell on death row, he was still able to say with all confidence, “Whatever happens, rejoice in the Lord. Always be full of joy… Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything, tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:1;4-6)
Paul’s exhortation to rejoice regardless of our circumstances was because he understood that we have an outer life and an in
ner one. Our outer life is the one that is within plain view of others. It’s our accomplishments, work, reputation and all that we are seen to be doing. In contrast, our inner world is where all our secret thoughts, hopes, beliefs, and desires reside.
Paul knew that when we have a relationship with Jesus and a healthy inner world that it is possible to flourish, no matter what we are experiencing. Whether Paul was travelling the world doing what he loved or suffering persecution and imprisonment, he’d grown to know how to keep his world steady by aligning his life with Jesus and anchoring his soul on His Word and His love and care for him.
Paul quite simply didn’t bother trying to manage his life alone or in his own strength. Instead of concentrating on human effort, he focused on his inner health, purposely giving his concerns and the weight of his load toGod. He made Jesus the one who wholly encouraged, empowered and equipped him for his life. (Philippians 3:3-4)
I encourage you to ask for Jesus’ help today to bring your inner world – your mind, will and body into alignment with Jesus, his love for you and the promises in His Word. Then no matter what, you will be able to be at peace, run your race well, achieve your dreams and rejoice in the amazing times in your life as well as the more challenging moments.
Prayer: Lord, thank you that I have been made to live healthy and whole in every part of my life – both in my inner and outer world. Would you please help me to stay connected to you in every part of my life so that I can rejoice regardless of my circumstances. In Jesus name Amen.