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2 April 20 Minutes Everyday To Achieve Your Goals

This time of the year is when many people have started to allow their focus to slip on what they wanted to achieve and have the year look like.

This is why having a plan that we consistently stick to is so important. The person we disappoint or lie to the most if we fail to stay the course is ourselves.

But God doesn’t want to have this happen. He knows the plans He has for you, and that they are filled with hope, goodness and good things for the future (Jeremiah 29:11).

So today, I wanted to encourage you to hold steady. Work your plan. Change it up if you need to, do what you can do, and God will help you all the way. Each is a new day, fresh with God’s grace, mercy, strength and joy and full of opportunities to work on your goals and vision and to enjoy the life you have been given.

I've found it helpful to take one week and day at a time and to focus on what is before you while knowing your long-term plan.

Some keys to help are:

1. Write down your goals and what you’re praying for at the start of every day.

You become what you think and focus on the most.

Have a vision board or photo with what you are looking towards and forward to on your phone as a visual prompt and reminder. Writing and visualizing your goals and dreams helps to bring clarity, and clarity brings results. It’s a daily reminder of what’s important, helps you renew your focus, and directs your day.

2. Schedule 20-minute time slots to work on important things.

20 mins exercise towards fitness.

20 mins reading a book to enhance your skills and knowledge in an area.

20 mins reading God's word to know Him more.

20 mins quiet time with Jesus

20 min slots of quality time throughout the day with the important people in your world

20 mins decluttering.

20 mins writing that book you want to publish.

20 mins practicing a talent to make it a skill.

20 mins towards becoming the best version of you.

Over a month 20 minutes, every day adds up to 10 hours. What can you achieve in 10 hours this month?

I encourage you to hold steady, fix your focus firmly ahead, and with God’s help and empowering, continue to run your race well. You can do it!

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me “. (Philippians 4:13)

Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.” (Prov 4:25)

Making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding; yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.” (Prov 2:25)

Prayer: Lord, thank you for you are always with me. Please help me to make the most of each day and to harness the 20 minutes in my day as I continue to pursue all that you have for me. In Jesus name Amen

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