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2 April – Guidelines

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If there is one thing I’ve discovered most helpful in life to getting to and becoming the person I was created to be its staying within the guidelines of God’s Word. If I’m unsure, don’t know what to do, am faced with a situation or asked, “what would you do,” by our kids or others I talk with, it’s to go and look at what God says and then consistently do that. It makes everything so much simpler and the results are far more beneficial and impacting in the long run.

God’s word is useful for training, instruction and teaching us how to live well. It is not worldly wisdom or something to be taken lightly or without respect. The words within the Bibles pages are actually life giving and powerful and when believed, taken hold of and spoken out can shift and change things both within us and around us.

“Every Scripture has been inspired by the Holy Spirit, the breath of God. It will empower you by its instruction and correction, giving you the strength to take the right direction and lead you deeper into the path of godliness“. (2 Tim 3:16 TPT)

The big question however is whether we will take the time to delve into what God has spoken and declared, or whether we will try to go through life guided only by our natural wisdom and intellect? Will we choose the ways of man or tap into the huge resource that heaven has made available to us?

Repeatedly I’ve learnt that when I do things my way I’m going to run into trouble or end up saying and doing things I later regret. I don’t really want to live regretting my decisions and actions so everyday I’m left with the choice; my way or God’s, my wisdom or heavens ? Do I choose to follow how I want to act or react to a situation or person or follow God’s directives and walk in accordance with His Word? The choice is completely mine, and the consequences are mine too.

God is so good and He actually wants us to be able to enjoy our life and to live with purpose and meaning. He is not out to take from us, except to remove our guilt and shame, but to give to us. It’s just He knows the end from the beginning and everything in between. If He says, “no” it is for a reason and to save us from the wrong decision and hurt, if He says, “yes” it’s to bless and open doors, and if it’s “not yet” it’s because He’s still working.

Today whatever you may be facing or deciding upon, I encourage you to make the simple decision…because it is simple. Choosing Jesus and His way which leads to fullness of life, joy and peace or our way which leads to stress, worry, regret and often getting off the right path to fulfill why we’re here in the first place. God is very patient, but from experience our way usually end up taking us around and around in circles, when in comparison if we’d listened and did what God said in the first place we could have been half way there or already enjoying the fruit of our wise choices.

Choose well today and you’ll be on your way to walking in the plans God has for you, rather than plodding regrettably around and around in circles.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways”. (Isaiah 55:8-9)

God’s Word is perfect in every way; how it revives our souls! His laws lead us to truth, and his ways change the simple into wise. His teachings make us joyful and radiate his light; his precepts are so pure! His commands, how they challenge us to keep close to his heart! The revelation-light of his word makes my spirit shine radiant. Every one of the Lord’s commands is right; following them brings cheer. Nothing he says ever needs to be changed. The rarest treasures of life are found in his truth. That’s why I prize God’s word like others prize the finest gold. Nothing brings the soul such sweetness as seeking his living words“. (Psalm 19: 7-11)

Prayer: Lord thank you for your Word which is like a map to lead and guide me. I know you desire good things for my life so please help me to choose well everyday, and to not be so willful that I miss what you are doing and have to go round in circles when I could have been on the right path all along. I trust you to lead me by your Word today. In Jesus name Amen




2024 Dayle Kinney

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