Thomas Edison, a world-famous inventor, was told by his teachers he was “too stupid to learn anything.” Yet, he refused to give up and kept inventing and working to improve, and, as a result, he eventually held more than 1,000 patents, including the phonograph and electric lamp.
Theodor Suess Geisel, known by many as Dr. Suess, a much-loved children’s author, had his first books rejected by 27 publishers. Those books went on to sell more than 600 million copies worldwide.
David, a man after God’s own heart, also knew how to keep going even amid immense opposition and loneliness. He said, “Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me, your rod and your staff they protect and comfort me”. (Psalm 23:4)
David trusted that what God had promised and spoken over his life, He would be faithful to complete. David’s part was to keep His eyes fixed on the promise and God who had said it. He also chose to walk in forgiveness and humility and cultivate the attitude that if he messed up, the best way forward was to admit his wrongdoings, ask for forgiveness, praise God for His goodness, and get back out there again.
Because of these things, David experienced breakthroughs, recovered from setbacks, and was a man who knew God as His best friend. “The Lord is my best friend and my shepherd. I always have more than enough. (Psalm 23:1 TPT)
Today I want to encourage you, don't give up. If you’ve had a knockback or don’t know what to do next determine to:
Do what you know to do. If you’re unsure, look to God and spend some time in His Word seeking His wisdom and discernment and then do what He says.
Get some Godly counsel – talk to those who understand and are more mature in their faith than you are. (Proverbs 3:21-26 The Passion Translation)
Continue to hold onto your dreams. Water them with prayer, time with Jesus, faith-filled positive words, and getting around others who will encourage you. God is faithful to complete what He has begun, so trust Him to finish what He has started in you.
“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” (Philippians 1:6)
Prayer: Lord, I’m asking you to encourage me today. I trust in you and that your love and faithfulness will strengthen and keep me safe, so I’m going to keep going today and believe for something amazing to happen today. In Jesus name Amen.