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22 Nov -I’m unique, and so are You!


This week our youngest two children are having swimming lessons at the local pool. The weather is heating up, and there is quite a few people making use of the pool. Swimming pools are places where one really sees the different shapes and sizes of those around us. Both short and tall, young and old, those who have spent the winter months working out at the gym, and those whom my kids describe as a little “fluffy” or squidgy around the edges. There are the loud and the shy, and those who confidently “strut their stuff” poolside, and those who hold onto their towels as long as possible, before quickly submerging themselves in the water.

The wonderful thing is that God has made each of us unique. There’s nobody else like me, and there is nobody else like you. And in a world that seeks to categorise and shape everyone to look, talk, dress, and live out their beliefs and faith in certain models and frameworks, its refreshing to be reminded that God loves uniqueness. He is the one who shaped us; to look how we do physically, and to be wired towards particular interests, talents, passions and abilities.

Being poolside this week has reminded me to love and enjoy the “skin we’re in”. There is no point trying to be someone else. We can admire and be inspired by others, but the balance of looking at others is that it must lift us up, and not make us resent our own journey, or cause us to try to be somebody else.

Our shape; both internally and externally is created specifically for God’s plan and purpose for our lives. He has wired each one of us to experience, to contribute, and to enjoy life in our own unique way. He wants us to spend our life firstly discovering who we are in Him, and then enjoying how He has made us, and how we can serve and glorify Him.

When we “get happy” with the shape we’re in, and seek to stretch and grow into the best “us” we can be, it not only feels good, but it also makes God smile. He is a loving Father and just as parents delight to see their children discovering who they are, and using and enjoying their gifts and abilities, our Heavenly Father does too.

Today, enjoy the “skin you’re in”; keep discovering and exploring all that God has wired you to be. And next time you are poolside, why not “throw your towel to the wind,” don’t bother with what anyone else looks like or thinks, (why should you care) and go make a big splash!

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you” (Jeremiah 1:5)

O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether. You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me.” (Psalm 139)

Prayer: Lord thank you that you know me, and have made me unique and special. Help me to embrace all that you have made me to be, and to enjoy the journey.  In Jesus Name Amen.

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