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23 Feb – Rhythms of grace

find the rythum

Do you ever wish life was simpler?  I often ponder on the simplicity of creation all around us. The sun comes up and goes down, the tides ebb and flow, in and out. The seasons change from summer, autumn, winter spring every year. Its like clockwork, effortless, and consistent.

Yet all this has been designed in infinite detail by God in the rhythm He has set. Its awesome in its simplicity.

Why then do we feel like life can be anything but simple? It  can instead can be very complicated, stressful and feel like we are going from one drama to the next. It can be chaotic!

God didn’t create our world or us to live or function in the chaos. He created perfection, but sin came in causing an element of chaos to be present. That’s why we can be enjoying a gentle breeze and then experiencing a cyclone.

Too often our lifestyle can be in constant chaos. There is no rhythm, or gentle ebb and flow. We find ourselves trapped by our choices as we  succumb to the pressure and expectations around us. We too often live frantic, harried, stressed out, crazy lives.

So how do we change the rhythm? How do we get off the track we can find ourselves on?

Jesus revealed how to live in God’s rhythm – a rhythm of grace. He did 3 things:

He had times of solitude: He took time out to rest, to spend time alone with the Father. (Luke 6:12-13)

He had times of community: Jesus loved people and connecting with those around him. He shared with others around a meal, and spent time talking, laughing and enjoying others company.(Mark 2:15)

He had times of ministry: where He gave into the lives of others. He healed the sick, blessed, laughed, cried, and loved. (Matthew 8)

Today take some time out and find Jesus’ rhythm. He wants us to live free from the chaos. Look to Him and exchange your chaos for heavens song -for heavens rhythm. He’ll show you the way.

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls”.(Matthew 11:28)

Prayer: Lord I want to live in your rhythms of grace. I exchange my pace for your peace, and your way instead of my way. Help me to take time to do that today. In Jesus name Amen.

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