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23 May - From Buried to Planted: Embracing Transformation in the Dark

Updated: May 24

One of the biggest keys we can learn is to recognize the difference between whether you are buried or planted.


At first glance, they may look the same. Both involved dirt, digging, and darkness. But the big difference is one is planting for the future and new life and the other is burial because a season is over.


When you plant a seed, you place it in the ground, cover it with dirt, and then wait as a period of transformation takes place unseen in the dirt and darkness. eventually, the new plant arises and what emerges is something greater and stronger than the seed that was put in the ground.


The very making and transformation of a seed into its full reality is in its planting! If a seed remains on the parent tree or sits on a shelf and is never squashed down in the dark, under a mound of dirt, then it won’t be in the right conditions to grow. You don’t bury that seed because it’s dead but plant it for the future.


Within each one of us are “seeds” of who we are created to be. There are “seeds” of potential, talents, and gifts just waiting to spring forth in you. But those seeds must be recognized and planted somewhere, and it is in the dirt and dark, that God works His transformation in you.


It’s in the dirt and dark, where no one is looking that you will be shaped and refined. That’s where God’s power working within you will start to reveal His plan and purposes for your life.


Today, you may have or are experiencing darkness in your life and feeling buried under a mountain of stress, pressure, health, family, or financial concerns, but don’t despair, it doesn’t mean that is where you will end up; God works miracles and transformation in the dirt.


You aren’t being buried you’re being planted. Planted to develop, grow, and see new life burst forth in you. Your challenges, when you seek Jesus and trust His hand upon your life can be opportunities for growth and transformation and for creating resilience and faith.


As you trust Him, He will work in your circumstances to bring forth life and potential. He knows the process it takes for those “seeds” to grow.

Trust Him to bring it to pass and determine to learn and grow while you are in the dark places, knowing that whatever you are facing, if you keep focused on God, His promises, and goodness there will be new things forming in you, so that you can continue to grow into the amazing person He has created you to be.


Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.


And he shall be like a tree firmly planted [and tended] by the streams of water, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not fade or wither; and everything he does shall prosper [and come to maturity]. (Psalm 1:3AMPC)

“I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out - plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.” (Jeremiah 29:11 TPT)


Prayer: Lord, please help me to not be afraid when I feel like I’ve been put in the “dirt or dark places” in my life because it’s in these places that you shape, form, and birth amazing things within me. I trust your promises that you will never leave me and that you are with me even in the dark places of my life and will form new life in me.  In Jesus' name Amen.


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