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24 Dec – Making Moments


It’s Christmas Eve and the seasons celebrations for many are in full swing meaning things can be very hectic, noisy and busy. In fact Christmas can become a blur if we are not careful, which is why I am making myself go slower and choosing to savour it. Why? Because time goes by, children grow up, people move and change and unless we stop and savour the moments we will fail to realise the significance of the moments right in front of us and go through life at full speed or on auto-pilot and end up missing it all.

The antidote to all this speed and missing significant moments is to slow down. Taking things slower means being more purposeful. It won’t cause us to fall behind, but rather enables us to catch up – with friends, family, with God, with our dreams, our purpose, our health and what’s really important.

There are some things we may want or need to do quickly at times, but perhaps we just can’t and don’t need to live there for God never intended for us to live in a constant state of motion and stress. When we choose to get into His rythum of doing things He ensures we get what needs to be done whilst keeping our peace and joy. 

This Christmas, in amongst the preparations, the celebrations and all the activity, remember to slow down and savour those special moments and take some time to connect more deeply with God and who and what is really important in your life.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect”.(Romans 12:2)

Prayer: Lord help me to slow down long enough to enjoy the moment and to understand what is really important and connecting with you and others on a deeper level. In Jesus name

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