It’s Christmas Day—the perfect time to pause and think about what this day means and the profound truths revealed in the birth of Jesus—Emmanuel, which means God with us.
For centuries, people longed to know what God was like. They cried out, "Show us!" And in response and so that the world might know Him, God sent His Son, Jesus, to reveal Himself fully.
Through Jesus, we see the heart of God. He didn’t remain distant or detached; instead, He came near—walking among us, teaching us, and showing us the depth of His love. Every miracle He performed, every word He spoke, and every life He touched revealed the character of God and the way of heaven.
Jesus came to forgive sins, lift burdens, open blind eyes, unstop deaf ears, and restore broken hearts, minds, and bodies. He came to bring hope and healing, demonstrating that God’s desire is to be with us and make us whole.
When we look at the Gospel accounts, (in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the Bible) we see Jesus—the Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, and Mighty Counsellor, living out God’s love in action.
He comforted the hurting, welcomed the outcasts, healed the sick, and calmed the storms. Through Him, we see that God is compassionate, gracious, and full of mercy. If you’ve ever wondered what God is like, look at Jesus, for He said, "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father" (John 14:9, NIV).
Jesus is close to us—so close that He doesn’t need to yell to get our attention. He only has to whisper because He is near. This Christmas, may we take the time to be still, quiet our hearts, and listen. He is speaking to us, reminding us of His love, peace, and presence. "The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth" (Psalm 145:18, NIV). "Be still, and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10, NIV).
So this Christmas, as we celebrate the birth of Christ, let’s take time to grow in our knowledge of Him. To consider why He came, the words he spoke, the change he brought, and the lives he touched and continues to touch every day.
May you draw near to Emmanuel, God with us today, and experience the peace, joy, and hope that only He can give this Christmas!
"Look for Christ and you will find Him and with Him, everything else" C. S. Lewis
Prayer: Jesus, thank You for coming to be with me and showing me what you are like. This Christmas, please help me to draw near, to listen for Your gentle voice, and to rest in Your presence. Fill my heart with peace, my mind with truth, and my life with hope. Please help me to reflect Your love to those around me and grow in knowing You more each day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Merry Christmas! May you know Him more deeply this season and always.