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29 Feb - I Need Peace

This week I was having a conversation with one of our kids about something they were feeling concerned about and had previously had some direction and peace about. Unfortunately, as time passed from their original moment of heart and mind peace, they started to get into fear and overthinking and, as a result lost most of their calm about the situation before them and the need to leave it in Jesus’ capable hands.


Instead, as we are all probably prone to do at times, their thoughts on the subject were going round and round and over and over the problem as they examined it from every angle. All however this served to do was cause them to become more and more anxious and wonder if what they had believed, understood, and felt in the first place was incorrect.


When I’m talking to people, especially my kids on life matters, I try to take time to pause and listen quietly to what God might be saying. In this case, I immediately had the revelation that Jesus brings peace. He is described as the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:3) and whenever we find ourselves in fear, doubt, unbelief and worry those thoughts are not going to be coming from Him, especially if we've been seeking Him.


Jesus doesn’t direct us into chaos but into peace and rest and even if we are convicted about a decision or issue, it will not create as a byproduct, anxiety but rather a wisdom on what action if needed to be taken, so that we can be led into peace and rest. (John 10:10)


Put simply if the thoughts, feelings, and direction we feel led to take do not lead to peace and a knowing that everything is going to be okay, then it’s probably not originating from Jesus. He gives us peace.

However, when we accept who God says we are, any wrong thinking, negativity, lack of self-worth, and fears fall away, and we are transformed as our thinking is renewed according to what God says about us. As a result, our hearts are filled with peace, giving life to our whole body, which is a great way to live. (Romans 12:2)

God’s Word also teaches us to keep our peace by focusing on “whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things..and the God of peace will be with you.” (Philippians 4: 8-9)


Today if you find yourself wondering what and where life is going, fix your eyes on Jesus, what His word says, and follow the way of peace. If what or who you are thinking or dwelling upon doesn’t create peace in your heart and mind then bring it to Jesus and ask him to give you his peace for that situation and look to His words to bring wisdom and revelation. When we fix our hearts on Him he promises we will be kept in perfect peace and He promises to lead and guide us in the way we should go. (Isaiah 26:3)

 Jesus said, “I am leaving you with a gift–peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” (John 14:27).


‘You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!(Isaiah 26:3)


“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians1:6)

I encourage you to listen and accept who Jesus says you are and what He says about your life. He thinks you’re amazing, significant and special, and since He is the one who created you, He’d know.. Walk in His peace today :)


You can also listen to my podcast Going Deeper. Check out this week's episode “God Has What You Need” This little episode is all about God being our help and challenges us on why we try to do and be everything by ourselves when we have God ready to help and to give us wisdom and revelation. (Live now)

Prayer: Lord, I ask for your peace to fill my heart and mind today and that I would listen and accept what you say about my life. Please help me to let go and give over to you any thoughts, attitudes, and concerns that would try to steal my peace today. In Jesus' name Amen.



2024 Dayle Kinney

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