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3 Mar – How Not To Quit (Pt 1)

When we have been doing something for a long time with no noticeable results, we can become weary. It can happen to all of us, and these feelings of weariness can sap our strength, motivation, joy and faith.

We can also become weary because of relationship problems, financial pressures, negative people, sickness, and other forms of attack that the devil may think up. But life is not a short sprint; it is a long-distance race, so it’s important not to give in to the temptation to quit when we face setbacks, trials or have been faithfully working at something for a long, long time.

God’s Word encourages us to “not get tired of doing what is good. For at just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Don’t grow weary in doing good.” (Galatians 6:9 NLT)

I’ve discovered some keys to protecting and strengthening myself against weariness and giving up. Here are some things I have learnt:

1. Make up your mind that quitting is not an option! We may have to change tact, get some more help, and even tweak our vision and strategy, but that doesn’t mean we quit – we get smarter and more resourceful with what we have in our hand.

2. Learn to see from heaven’s perspective. God sees the end from the beginning and everything in between. But we can look too often with our natural eyes when if we saw with the perspective of heaven, we would see that God is at work on our behalf. He works behind the scenes, and the biggest mistake we can make is to underestimate what He is doing in answer to our prayers.

3. Get some faith muscles. Your physical body responds to training and strengthening to carry weight and increase your endurance. Likewise, we can also strengthen ourselves spiritually, mentally and emotionally. We can do this by spending quality time with Jesus, reading and acting upon His Word, and activating our faith muscles to carry us through whatever we may face. If we feel weary, we need to ascertain why we need strengthening and then choose to do something about it.

4. Put patience to work – By faith and patience, we inherit the promises of God” (Hebrews 6:12.) Patience is a powerful tool to enable us to last the distance. Let patience have its perfect work as we believe in faith, we also need patience to hold us steady when it seems it’s taking a while. Patience is trusting in God’s goodness and that He will fulfil that which He has promised. The more we practice patience, the better we get at it.

5. Be aware and on guard – opposition and problems may arise to distract and pull our attention off what God says and what He has called us to do. They create an opportunity for us to become weary and quit. Take the offensive so you don’t get “sideswiped” by opposition and attack. Be aware and be on guard! “For we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12)

Weariness can sneak up on you so it’s wise to understand what is working against you to undermine and sap your strength and to counteract that with what lifts and encourages you to keep going.

Today don’t allow yourself to grow weary in following the dreams, vision and directives God has placed in your heart. Strengthen yourself and know that God promises you will reap a harvest of blessing when you keep believing and moving forward, if you don’t quit.

Prayer: Lord, would you please strengthen me today and help me to put my trust in you and your goodness. Please show me if there is anything in my life designed to sap my strength. Thank you that I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength. In Jesus name Amen.

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