There is a famous line by movie star Patrick Swayze from the movie “Dirty Dancing which says, “Nobody puts baby in a corner”. It’s a classic line and scene (no recommendation intended) where a young woman known by the name baby realises she no longer has to live forgotten about and underestimated by her family and peers. She had her “own thing going on.”
Unfortunately many people do allow themselves to be put in a corner by their own negative and limiting thinking, or by circumstances and the people around them. It is sadly far too easy for many people to succumb to the pressure of limitations and everyone else’s expectations until they quite simply give up on their dreams, vision and aspirations for something better.
But that is not God’s heart for us. Whenever we feel like we are having limits placed on us, feel backed up against the wall or corner or are experiencing pressure or feeling “under the circumstances,” you can be sure God is not the author of these circumstances.
His Word teaches us that He is the God of wide-open spaces, of freedom, breakthrough, and of bigger things than we can think, dream or possibly imagine. If ever He does “hem” us in it is only so that He can protect and teach us some things or it is necessary to more closely guide us because we don’t see clearly what’s ahead, but He does. (Psalm 23; Ephesians 3:20)
God’s heart for us is that “nobody puts us in a corner” either. As Jesus said, “Who the son sets free is free indeed”, and He says that when we come into a relationship with Him we are no longer slaves, under the curse, inadequate, unworthy or need to believe, listen to or think of ourselves in any way that He has not said about us in His Word.
Today I encourage you to examine your life and assess whether any circumstance, person or thinking has, or is trying to “put you in a corner”! If you realise there is then take some time to talk to God about it and seek His wisdom and Word regarding who He says you are and the strategy to move you out of the confined space you have found yourself in. God is faithful and you have far too much life to live and purpose to fulfil to be put or left in a corner!
“For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” (2 Corinthians 3:17)
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1)
Prayer: Lord thankyou that I am part of your family and that you see me as important and someone who is to be standing on mountaintops and not left forgotten about in a corner somewhere. Please help me to challenge every negative, limiting thought or expectation today. In Jesus name Amen.