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30 May – Focus on the “be” and the doing will follow!

be you

It is really important to understand God is not very interested in our constant behaviour modification. It’s actually quite clear as you read God’s word that He is more concerned with our hearts than any outward performance and for us to “become” rather than to fill our lives up with “doing”.

The Lord doesn’t see thing the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Sam 16:7)

However in seeking to become He does want us to keep growing and developing into the best version of ourselves, and to increase in every area of our life so that we don’t become stagnant or go backwards in our journey.

To keep moving forward and to become the person we often desire to be deep down and know God has purposed us to be I try to regularly ask myself this question, “Who do I want to become and what does that look like?”

Because as you focus on being the person you envisage and seek to become, all your outward actions will start to fall into line.

Focus on the “be” and the “doing” will follow. (John 15:1-8)

Focus on whom God says you are in His Word and your thoughts about yourself will begin to be line up with who He says you are. (Romans 12:1-2)

Focus on your future and the past will start to lose its hold on you and fall away. (Philippians 3:13)

Focus on better days ahead and hope will begin to rise in your heart. (Jeremiah 29:11; Lamentations 3:21-23)

Focus on being the best version of yourself and what that looks like and God will do exceedingly more in you. (Ephesians 3:20)

Who are you seeking to become today? Now focus on that amazing person and with God’s help “be” you, and all your doing will follow!

Jesus said, “As you live in union with me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you—but when you live separated from me you are powerless. If a person is separated from me, he is discarded; such branches are gathered up and thrown into the fire to be burned. But if you live in life-union with me and if my words live powerfully within you—then you can ask whatever you desire and it will be done. When your lives bear abundant fruit, you demonstrate that you are my mature disciples who glorify my Father!” (John 15:5-8 TPT)

“I don’t depend on my own strength to accomplish this; however I do have one compelling focus: I forget all of the past as I fasten my heart to the future instead.” (Philippians 3:13 TPT)

“But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:21-23)

Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Romans 12:2 NLT)

Prayer: Lord thank you that you love me so much and believe in me. Would you please help me to continually keep growing in knowing you and myself better. I choose to become everything you say I am. In Jesus name Amen.




2024 Dayle Kinney

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