I had a dream this week about a photo being taken but the lens was dirty and the photo as a result was blurry. I believe God often speaks to us in our dreams and in this case that He was saying to fix my focus and to make sure that as I looked at my life and future that any thing that was distracting or clouding my perspective and view was dealt with so that I had clear focus and direction.
A good question to ask ourselves in the process of cleaning our “lens” and fixing our focus is, “What am I magnifying in my life? Are their things in my life that are obstructing my view?
If so we can ask God’s help and guidance in how to deal with them, whether that’s by getting his perspective from reading His words in the bible to guide us, or by choosing to “shake off’ and move on from unhealthy distractions, relationships, or pastimes. In a sense it’s whatever we put the magnifying glass on will be what speaks and appears the biggest and the loudest voice in our lives and we get to choose what those things are.
We regularly would benefit from looking closely to see whether our relationships, mindsets and pursuits are helping to make us the best version of ourselves, and likewise we also need to be mindful of not seeking to find the negatives and always focusing on those things that will “bring us down”. Is what God is saying speaking the loudest in our lives because we have our focus and “magnifying glass” on Him, and he helps us to keep our view clean and simple?
Today take a moment to think about what you are magnifying in your life? What are you looking at and heading towards? Ask God for wisdom as to whether the picture you see is true or does your “lens” of focus need cleaning off of any untruths, blind spots or distractions, because an unclear focus can easily lead us away from the life God has planned for us, and steal our clarity and enthusiasm for life. Ask God to help you clean the “lens” today!
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” (Psalms 32:8 ESV)
“My eyes are ever toward the Lord, for He will pluck my feet of the net.” (Psalm 25:15 ESV)
“Therefore, since you have been raised with Christ, strive for the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:1 NLT)
Prayer: Lord please help me to honestly look at my life and to see if there are any areas where I need to clean the “lens” and become more clearly focused. In Jesus name Amen.