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6 June – What’s God thinking about you?

what is god thinking about you

How often do we wonder what people think about us, and how much time and effort do we put into presenting ourselves in a certain way so that people will think well of us? I would hazard a guess it is considerable if social media is any gauge. Many people compare and measure themselves against the images they are bombarded with everyday, and many times they surmise that they don’t measure up. We compare ourselves with the mum who looks immaculate even at 8.30am in the morning, the guy at the gym who still has a full head of hair and a six pack, that fellow student at school or Uni that seems to have it all – good grades, amazing hair, glowing skin, and a supermodel’s body, or so we think.

The more we look and compare, the less we end up thinking of ourselves, and the more limits we put on our potential because we think we don’t measure up, or aren’t good enough. But there is an answer. It’s for us to stop listening to the world and its message, and to find out instead what God thinks about us.

A good place to discover what God thinks is to look at Jesus and what He was prepared to do for us. Often when people think about Jesus and His death they discern that it’s all about sin and how bad they are, rather than Jesus’ love for them and their value. The cross is really all about our value and the truth that Jesus was prepared to die for us because He saw we were valuable and worth dying for.

Because He thinks about us and:

Thinks we are valuable. He loved us enough that He died for us. (John 3:16)

He knows the plans He has for us, and He says they are good ones, with a hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

He calls us a new creation in Him and that old things are passed away and we are made brand new. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

He thinks about us and knows our thoughts before we speak even one of them; He knows when we sleep and when we wake. He knows our comings and goings, and numbers even the hair on our heads. (Psalm 139)

The fact is God thinks about us, and its not to measure our mess up’s, failings, or less than brilliant moments. He thinks about us with love, patience and faithfulness.

Today instead of comparing yourself, or worrying so much about what other people think of you, take some time to reflect on just how precious and loved you are by God, and what He thinks about you! That He thinks about you; that He knows everything about you and still loves you. He thinking everyday about how He can bless you, and longs for you to turn your face and heart towards Him so that He might show you His love and the amazing plans He has for you and your future.

He’s thinking good things about you every single day, the question is, “What are you thinking about Him?”

For I know the thought that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil.” (Jeremiah 29:11 KJB)

Prayer: Jesus please help me to understand just how much you think good things about me. Even when I choose to ignore you; do my own thing, and go through my day forgetting to think of you, you don’t forget me even for a minute. So today I want to say thank you, and to ask for you to help me to see myself as you see me. In Jesus Name Amen.

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