How sure are we that God answers prayer, and do we really know that prayer isn’t a gamble with God but an assurance?
When we get to the assurance part of our faith we know that we have moved from seeing God as a gamble, to having a complete absolute assurance in His ability and will to perform His word. We are growing in faith when we move from “I’m believing” into “I know!” (Jessie Duplantis)
What do you know today? Are you seeing Jesus and His power as a gamble and last-ditch resort, or do you have an assurance that He does and will answer your prayers? Jesus knows what He can do, and it’s our faith added to His power that brings about miracles. It’s what we believe that is going to make the difference.
Sadly many people never stop long enough to consider what they do believe, and take the time to discover how to “work their faith” until they are suddenly faced with a crisis or something that scares them, and then they wonder why their prayers and faith don’t seem to be working, or why they feel so far from God.
The bible says we have all been given a measure of faith, (Romans 12:3) but it does need to be put to work everyday. Some people’s faith works better for them than others because they have chosen to put their faith to work for them.
The more we use our faith the more of God’s ability we will have at our disposal, because His ability in us is waiting to be unleashed into our circumstances.
However if we know we need to grow our measure of faith to deal with the situations we face, God has given us a resource to power our faith up. It’s His words found in the Bible. Reading His word, hearing it being preached, and time in His presence are the only source of faith we need. For “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17)
Our task is to act on the Word and put our faith to work. Whatever God calls us to do, He has given us the ability to achieve it, but we must learn to activate our faith to receive those things He has promised.
“Faith is a servant and is designed to do things for us that are impossible. It feeds on the impossible and breaks limitations.” (Bill Winston)
Put your faith to work today and unleash the ability and power of God into your circumstances.
If you don’t believe you have enough faith, then I encourage you to do something about it! There’s no point walking around saying, “I cant’ do that, or “my faith doesn’t work for me”, because God himself has given us everything we need; We just need to “work” our faith to get the best that He has for us.
God has given us the ability to receive, so make the effort to “power up” your faith everyday by spending time in His presence, and reading and studying His word, and discovering what He says about your situation, need or dream.
Jesus said it this way, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20)
“Then Jesus said to the disciples, “Have faith in God. I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart.” (Mark 11:22-23)
Why not see what your faith can do for you, and those around you today?
Prayer: Lord thank you that we all have been given a measure of faith. Help me today to be bold enough to do something with what you have given me, and to take the opportunity everyday to grow and strengthen my measure of faith as I put it to work in the situations I face both in my life, and in the lives of those around me. In Jesus Name Amen