I love it when those close to me choose to give me their focused attention and time. It matters to me, and makes me feel loved. I guess you would say that’s my love language.
Quality time means giving someone your undivided attention and togetherness. That togetherness has to do with focused attention. A husband who is watching something on the television which his wife does not also enjoy while trying to talk to her is not giving her quality time because she does not have his full attention. It’s making the time to do things together, or having quality conversation where two people are sharing their experiences, their thoughts, their feelings, and their desires in a friendly, uninterrupted context. For them to sit down, ask questions, and listen to one another.
But I have discovered something really important about quality timers – God is one! He loves it when we spend quality time with Him. When we focus our whole attention upon Him and seek to share our lives with Him. Where we share our thoughts, experiences, and feelings, and have uninterrupted conversations with Him, away from the phone, T.V, computer or any other distractions.
It’s about abiding together with, and in God. Jesus said, “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.” (John 15:4)
He defined “Abiding in Christ” when He likened Himself to a grapevine and those who love Him to its branches: “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in Me” (John 15:4).
The word “abides” basically means “to remain, to not depart from, to stay together, attached and connected. Sounds like the ultimate quality timer to me.
God who created the universe, who holds everything together in His hands, actually longs for our attention and for quality time with us. He wants us to remain with Him, to not leave Him out of our day and our decisions. He wants to stay connected to our hearts and mind. He loves it when we turn our attention towards Him, because He longs to be wherever we are, helping us, talking to us, and being part of our day.
To be honest I have discovered that when we spend quality time with Him He makes everything better; even simple things like shopping trips or revealing where the best parking spots are become commonplace when we choose to spend time with Him.
Take the time to spend quality time with God. Don’t ignore Him, or allow yourself to be distracted by the million and one other things vying for your time. God Himself is waiting for your attention today.