Unforgiveness is like a poison and one of the harms it causes is that it prevents people from connecting heart to heart. Instead of the close connections God created each of us for there is only mistrust, stress, bitterness, resentment, cynicism, and negativity.
Without forgiveness there can be no real healing of the hurt, for we end up carrying it around with us, going over and over what others may have done, when they probably don’t even realise our issue, or care, or even remember.
Forgive quickly and move on.
We help ourselves most when we forgive people quickly, let it go and move on, because unforgiveness only leads to bitterness, harm, broken relationships and even illness. But when we choose forgiveness it releases the power of God to go to work in our situations and in us.
So how do we forgive?
1. Choose – we have to decide to forgive, and not live just by how we feel, because most of the time we won’t feel like forgiving at all. God says forgive, so we forgive knowing that He asks us to forgive for our own good.
2. Depend on God to help us. He will help us to walk in forgiveness, to let go and to move on, because He has better things for us.
3. Pray –Pray for our enemies, and bless those who curse us (Romans 12:14; Luke 6:27-28). For as we forgive we make room in our hearts for good.
As we forgive we become more open to the goodness of life instead of looking at everything through the eyes of bitterness. Forgiveness draws people to us, rather than repelling. Often opportunities; new relationships, ideas, creativity and answers will flow into our lives because we are open to receive rather than being full of bitterness, anger and strife.
Forgiveness is good for us, and as we choose to forgive quickly and move on, trusting God to heal and protect us, we will be able to connect more readily with others.
Today choose to obey God’s way of doing things and live a life of forgiveness. Be set free as you move on from holding onto people’s wrongs, and make room in your life to connect heart to heart.
“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” (Matthew 6:14-15)
Prayer: Lord please help me to let go of unforgiveness quickly, and to move on to better things. I give you my hurt and anger and choose to trust you to take care of me and to heal my heart. In Jesus name Amen.