We were not created to just exist! We all are of great value and have something to contribute to the world.
My husband Philip spoke at South Central Church a few weeks ago about having a dream, and that God has made all of us with a purpose and plan.
Having a dream is like being pregnant. We have six children and when I prepare for being pregnant I get ready. I make sure I am doing my part to carry a new life.
A dream is like that. It’s new life inside of our souls. We have to desire it, make room for it, fight for it and be prepared to take care of it.
Benjamin Franklin observed, “Most men die from the neck up by age 25 because they stop dreaming”. That’s why it is so important that you help keep people’s dreams alive. By doing so you can literally help them live.
My husband Philip is one of the greatest dreamers I know. He dreams big audacious, life giving dreams.
He dreams of people being saved, of their lives being transformed, of them knowing God in all His fullness and living the life they were created for.
He dreams of building schools and universities with Christ and His Word at their very center.
He dreams of raising up a generation of people who are gifted to lead and shape society in creative arts, media, politics, sport and education.
He dreams of owning planes that take food, medical supplies and disaster relief to people in need.
He dreams of a 20,000 people, multi campus, vibrant, life giving, nation changing church, that brings heaven to earth.
I’ve known Philip for 25 years and God has melded our hearts and lives together. His dreams are my dreams and vice versa.
God knows us. He knows we need others around us.
“When the vision gets bigger than you, you really have two choices: give up on the vision or get help. – John Maxwell
Dreams are at the centre of our souls, we must do everything in our power to help turn dreams into a reality. It’s one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves and encourage in others.
God made us all with a purpose, but we need to know what our dream, our vision in life is.
The Bible says to “Write the vision and make it plain that you may run with it”. Habakkuk 2:2-3
What’s your dream?
You can listen on podcast to the rest of message “I Have A Dream” by Dayle Kinney at www.southcentral.org.au