The year is coming to a close and a brand new year is ahead of us.
But before we step into this New Year this is a good time to Stop and assess what we are taking with us into the New Year.
What hopes and dreams and goals are we taking forward into the new year and.. what baggage, what stuff, what weights are we also carrying. What sort of life are we living??
What things from the past do we want to be free of for our future?
The Bible says in Phillippians 3:12-14 “But one thing I do, forgetting those thing which are behind and reaching forward to those thing which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”.
God has a plan and a purpose for each of us God says this to us “I know the plans I have for you, plans to proper you and not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future” (Jer 29:11)
“I have come to give you fullness and abundant life “(John 10:10)
The Greek word translated “life” is ZOE. It’s a small Greek word with a big meaning.
Simply put, Zoe means life. Not just life as we think of it (living or being alive), but the word Zoe means eternal life, never-ending life, God’s life.
Everyone who is breathing has life in the sense of physical existence, but God wants more than just for us to be breathing.
Zoe is life as God has in Himself! The God kind of life! John 1:4 says, “In Him (the word, Jesus) was life (Zoe!).” God created us to have ZOE – life abundant, overflowing His kind of life.
God wants us to experience life as He intended it to be. Jesus came not only to save people from the torment of eternal hell but also to give us this ZOE life, or God-kind of life, in abundance.
It’s not just waiting for people when they die and go to heaven, but for now also.
OUR CHOICE But it’s our choice. If you have asked Jesus into your life then LIFE (ZOE) has been deposited in your spirit. We are not the same. We are a new creation. The old is passed away.
But our souls, our thoughts, our emotions and consequently our actions need that God kind of life constantly flowing into them. We are surrounded by the world’s way of doing and thinking and it is not Zoe – God’s idea of life.
We can release this ZOE life and enjoy it now.
HOW? The way we do that is to LET GO of our old way of doing and thinking, any thoughts, emotions, or actions that are contrary to Gods Word. LET GO of the past, the disappointments, un-forgiveness, bitterness, hurts, loss, lack.
Hebrews 12:1 in the Bible says ”Let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings and entangles us, and let us run…. Looking away from all that will distract us to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of our faith”.
As we step into this New year God wants us to be able to run, to soar, to Live his type of Life.
WHAT SORT OF LIFE ARE YOU LIVING? I encourage you to take an inventory check of your life. What life are you living? What do you want to live life like in this new Year ahead of us?
Is it a life that is just existing; simply physical?
Or do you want ZOE – God type of life, abundant, overflowing life?
It’s starts by choosing everyday, choosing today, to “LET GO” of the past, let go of our way of doing things.
Let God into every part of our being, our relationships, our thoughts, our speech, our actions, our homes, workplace, everything!
Take some time to Stop, to assess and to Let Go so you can run into this New Year.